November 2019
A pubblication entitled "3D-Printed, Home-made, UV-LED photoreactor as a simple and economic tool to perform photochemical reactions in high school laboratories"
by Rossi S., Dozzi M.V., Puglisi A., Pagani M. was acepted on Chemistry Teacher International journal.
June-July 2019
Benaglia Group will host six high school students for a 3 week stay working in the development of "low environmental impact technologies for the synthesis of chiral molecules"
and in the "Synthesis of organic molecules of pharmaceutical interest". More details here.
February 2019
Technotrain is involved in dissemination activities with Italian high schools. In february 2019, Maurizio Benaglia and Sergio Rossi will be involved in a dissemination event related to
"Flow chemistry: a new technology for the development of innovative and sustainable synthesis processes". More info here.